Year: 2024

CHI/T Chat – TJCCC 2024 Summit

TJCCC is thrilled to welcome you again to our signature annual event, where we take this opportunity to build a platform connecting cross-generational Taiwanese communities to the general public in displaying how “Made in Taiwan” could lead the changes to the future. This year, the theme of our event will…
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2024 TJCCC Bowling Tournament

Happy May to everyone and we want to welcome you to TJCCC’s annual bowling tournament, where we’ve got TACCGC and TECO joining in on the fun and competition. If you’re interested in participating, we’ve got two options for you to choose from: 1. The bowling tournament group for $30/person and…
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TJCCC Annual Flagship Event

📣芝加哥青商的年度盛事即將在 6/29 舉行,所有青商好朋友請記得空出這一天,並且持續留意我們的 FB 粉絲專頁,更多活動細節即將公布,敬請期待! 📣Mark your calendar! TJCCC is planning our annual flagship event on 6/29. Stay tuned and we will update you soon!  
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TJCCC Speed Networking

突破界限,加速職業發展!TJCCC Speed Networking 讓您與多元職場建立專業連結! 您是否感到在當今競爭激烈的職場中,建立有效的專業網絡越來越困難?在當今競爭激烈的環境中,與不同職業背景的人建立聯繫至關重要,但找到合適的機會往往十分困難。不過,不要擔心!我們的Speed Networking – Make Professional Connection Fast 將為您提供一個極其高效的平台,讓您與各行各業的專業人士面對面交流,建立寶貴的職場聯繫 活動將於 4/28(週日)下午2點至5點 在 Paris Baguette Chinatown 舉辦。這不僅是一個交流的平台,更是一個促進職業發展的機會。 當天,將有七位優秀的專業人士擔任 Mentors,與參與者進行交流,分享他們的經驗和建議。根據報名時填寫的產業優先順序,我們將參加者分成七個小組,每組約4-5人。隨後,參與者將輪流與所有的 mentor 進行15-20分鐘的自我介紹和交流,並提出問題。 建議的問題方向包括: 1. 工作尋找經驗及建議 2. 專業技能培養方向 3. 面試技巧及履歷撰寫建議 4. 其他 Speed Networking – Make Professional Connections Fast 時間:4/28 (Sun) 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM 地點:Paris Baguette Chinatown |…
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TJCCC Career Month 職涯發展月活動

芝加哥青商在四月推出了一系列職涯發展月活動,為各位職場新鮮人量身打造。 首先是 4/13 的履歷及面試工作坊,特邀長期協助留學生就業及生涯規劃的兩位青商前會長,Bart 和 Selina,他們將分享寶貴的履歷撰寫和面試技巧,助你事半功倍地迎接求職挑戰、求職過程少走一點冤枉路。 接著,於 4/28 舉辦的 Speed Networking 活動,是一場社交技巧的大熔爐,讓你快速了解不同產業的特色和趨勢。我們邀請了來自不同領域和職涯階段的導師,讓你在與他們的交流中,獲得寶貴的生涯規劃和職業發展建議。 趕快報名,掌握職場新機遇! 4/13 Career Building Workshop 時間:1:00 PM – 4:00 PM 地點:IIT Downtown Campus 費用:免費 報名連結: 4/28 Speed Networking 時間:2:00 PM – 5:00 PM 地點:待公佈 費用:每人$15 報名連結: In April, TJCCC is rolling out a series of Career Development Month…
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第一次辦信用卡?想知道如何提升信用分數?聽說美國信用卡的許多福利和點數優勢卻不得其門而入?本週六芝加哥青商將請到哩程達人 Arthur Chow 告訴你,如何最大化信用卡點數和航空飯店哩程的秘訣! Arthur 將分享他如何在六個月內積累 150 萬點數,兌換商務/頭等艙航班及環遊世界旅程的經驗。不論你是信用卡新手,想要累積信用分數,或是想知道快速累積點數哩程的技巧,都歡迎你來一起交流。講座免費入場 (座位有限),報名從速! Trying to get your first credit card? Want to know how to increase your credit score? Hearing all the benefits and points about credit cards but don’t know where to start? Join Arthur Chow this Saturday at TJCCC’s credit card &…
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芝加哥青商因應往年舉辦簽證講座的盛況,今年攜手兩大知名美國移民律師,為大家帶來最有料的移民簽證講座。 內容涵蓋美國所有移民類別:留學移民 | 工作移民 | 投資移民 | 傑出人才移民 | 海外公司簽證 In response to the overwhelming success of past visa seminars, this year TJCCC is collaborating with renowned US immigration attorneys to bring you the most informative immigration visa seminar. We will cover the following immigration categories in the US: Student…
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芝加哥台美商會龍年迎春晚宴 TACCGC Year of the Dragon Spring Gala

芝加哥台美商會將在龍年大年初二舉行「龍年迎春晚宴」,由Weil Wu(吳威陵)會長領軍的團隊特別重金禮聘來自台灣的【全能創作唱跳實力派才女】林采欣(貝貝/Bae) 、以及來自紐約的【世界級中西音樂融合演奏家】林維洋(Andy) 來到Drury Lane Grand Ballroom為大家帶來他們精心為芝加哥地區朋友們準備的表演。當天場外不但有商業商機展出、您將有機會拓展您的專業人脈;現場還有熱鬧滾滾的傳統舞龍舞獅表演、當地live band演出、以及許多大獎( 和往年一樣~最大獎是美國回台灣的來回機票喔!)等您抱回家!請大家千萬不要錯過啦!趕緊手刀訂票囉! Our 36th term TACCGC Year of the Dragon Spring Gala will be held at the Drury Lane Grand Ballroom on 2-11-2024 Sunday 4:30 pm! We have invited our popular and beautiful singer Bae Lin from Taiwan and Viola/Erhu master Andy Lin…
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TJCCC NBA Game Party

Exciting News! Join us for the 1st-ever TJCCC NBA Game Party at the iconic United Center on 1/20 (Sat) at 19:00! Gates open at 17:30. Grab your tickets now for just $55 (originally $80)! Let’s make this event unforgettable! Date: 1/20 (Sat) Time: 19:00 CST Location: United Center, 1901 W…
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