首先是 4/13 的履歷及面試工作坊,特邀長期協助留學生就業及生涯規劃的兩位青商前會長,Bart 和 Selina,他們將分享寶貴的履歷撰寫和面試技巧,助你事半功倍地迎接求職挑戰、求職過程少走一點冤枉路。
接著,於 4/28 舉辦的 Speed Networking 活動,是一場社交技巧的大熔爐,讓你快速了解不同產業的特色和趨勢。我們邀請了來自不同領域和職涯階段的導師,讓你在與他們的交流中,獲得寶貴的生涯規劃和職業發展建議。
4/13 Career Building Workshop
時間:1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
地點:IIT Downtown Campus
4/28 Speed Networking
時間:2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
In April, TJCCC is rolling out a series of Career Development Month events tailored specifically for all you fresh faces in the workforce.
Kicking things off on April 13th is our Resume and Interview Workshop, featuring none other than Bart and Selina, former presidents of Chicago Young Professionals who have a knack for helping international students navigate the job market and plan their careers. They’ll be dishing out invaluable tips on crafting resumes and acing interviews to help you tackle the job hunt with ease and avoid any unnecessary detours.
Then, on April 28th, brace yourself for our Speed Networking extravaganza – it’s a melting pot of social skills where you’ll get up close and personal with the unique flavors and trends of various industries. We’ve lined up mentors from different fields and career stages to mingle with, giving you the chance to snag some priceless career advice and guidance along the way.
Don’t hesitate, sign up now, and seize those fresh opportunities in the job market!
April 13th – Career Building Workshop
Time: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Location: IIT Downtown Campus
Cost: FREE
Register here:
: https://events.humanitix.com/speed-networking-f7s2v34s
4/28 Speed Networking
Time: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: To be announced
Cost: $15 per person
Register here: https://events.humanitix.com/speed-networking-f7s2v34s