第一次辦信用卡?想知道如何提升信用分數?聽說美國信用卡的許多福利和點數優勢卻不得其門而入?本週六芝加哥青商將請到哩程達人 Arthur Chow 告訴你,如何最大化信用卡點數和航空飯店哩程的秘訣!
Arthur 將分享他如何在六個月內積累 150 萬點數,兌換商務/頭等艙航班及環遊世界旅程的經驗。不論你是信用卡新手,想要累積信用分數,或是想知道快速累積點數哩程的技巧,都歡迎你來一起交流。講座免費入場 (座位有限),報名從速!
Trying to get your first credit card? Want to know how to increase your credit score? Hearing all the benefits and points about credit cards but don’t know where to start? Join Arthur Chow this Saturday at TJCCC’s credit card & mileage seminar to uncover the secrets of award travel and credit mastery!
Learn how Arthur amassed 1.5 million points in six months and gain insider tips for luxurious flights and dream vacations. Discover strategies to optimize your credit and start accumulating points and miles.
Don’t miss out – reserve your spot now!
報名連結 Registration Link
日期/時間 Date/Time
3/30 (Sat) 1:00 – 4:00 PM
1:00pm Doors Open
1:30pm Seminar Starts
3:00pm Q&A, Social Hour
地點 Location
IIT Downtown Campus, Room C20 (B1 Floor)
565 West Adams St. Chicago, IL 60661
講師介紹 About Arthur
Arthur Chow 是一位點數旅遊和信用分數顧問,他將自己的愛好轉化為全職工作。從第一次接觸到點數旅遊的世界,他就在六個月內累積了150萬點數和里程。Arthur 幫助客戶最佳化他們的信用策略,並分享累積點數和里程的訣竅。
Arthur Chow is an award travel coach and credit consultant who turned his hobby into a full-time passion. Within the first 6 months, he’s amassed 1.5 million points and miles.
Arthur helps others optimize their credit strategies, aiming to accumulate miles and points for each client.
**座位有限,請盡快報名!Space is limited, register asap to reserve your spot!**