2024 TJCCC Bowling Tournament

Happy May to everyone and we want to welcome you to TJCCC’s annual bowling tournament, where we’ve got TACCGC and TECO joining in on the fun and competition. If you’re interested in participating, we’ve got two options for you to choose from:

1. The bowling tournament group for $30/person and a chance to win top prizes with your team. Or

2. The social group for $15/person who just want to have fun together!

Food and drinks will be served. Spots are limited so act fast! TSAs members are welcomed to join either as a team or individually!

Hello everyone 又到了我們一年一度的保齡球大賽了!今年我們邀請到芝加哥台美商會和經濟文化辦事處前來同樂。這次活動報名分為兩組:

1.保齡球競賽組: $30/人-參與我們的分組競賽,名次較高的組別有獎品

2. 社交同樂組: $15/人-不下場打球,單純聯絡感情,認識新朋友。現場會準備食物和飲料。


