TJCCC Bowling Tournament

很榮幸這次的保齡球社交活動中, 邀請到芝加哥辦事處TECO 處長&OCAC 僑教中心主任以及芝加哥台美商會TACCGC(Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Chicago)的大家長們, 和青商會一同享受兩個小時的保齡球樂趣, 現場將提供Pizza簡便的輕食給各位, 活動尾聲也會頒發獎品給最佳打手喔!這是個建立人脈的好時機~由於場地位於熱門繁華地帶, 所以訂位人數有限, 請盡早報名, 歡迎各校的學生會幹部及同學們, 大家一同來狂歡!

We are excited to announce that we will have a fun Bowling social event on 4/30! It’s our great honor to invite TECO & OCAC officials and senior members from TACCGC to join us! We will serve small bites and pizza for all our guests. The winner will be announced and rewarded towards the end of the event! This will be an excellent opportunity for young professionals to socialize with others. We encourage students and graduates to register as early as possible so we can get a head count ahead of time to reserve bowling lanes.

Time: 2023-04-30 (Sunday) 1-5 pm,


Location: 2211 W Diversey Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60647

Fee (food included): $25 TJCCC members | $30 non-members

(請透過 Zelle 繳費以助名額確認, to confirm your sign-up, please Zelle us after this form is completed)


活動當日Event Agenda:

1-1:30 pm 報到 Registration

1:45 pm 貴賓致詞 VIP speech

2:00 pm TJCCC介紹/會長致詞 Welcome speech and Introduction by TJCCC president

4:00 pm 保齡球結束Tournament ends

4:15 pm 球數積分統計Counting scores

4:30 pm 頒獎 Awards ceremony

報名截止日期Registration deadline: 2022-04-28, 11:59 pm (CDT)

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