2023 Learn From SBA – Taiwanese Entrepreneurship Series
繼上次的創業分享講座後 本月我們再度迎來創業工作坊啦~
在4/20 我們再度請郭曼麗女士與Devon Liu 美食部落客及 Devon Dine 行銷公關公司創辦人來一同分享如何創業 以及行銷策略
相信對於有意在美開業的朋友們 絕對是都是滿滿的乾貨!
For this month, we are thrilled to have Man-Li Kuo Lin 郭曼麗 again and Devon Liu, the founder of Devon Dine, to share the tips of starting businesses, and marketing strategies. We believe that it is valuable for those who are currently or will be starting their own businesses in the States, come and join us!

報名連結: https://www.surveycake.com/s/vZnD8…
客座講者:Devon Liu 美食部落客及 Devon Dine 行銷公關公司創辦人,曾受到上千個北美品牌邀約合作,藉由數萬的社群追蹤,在主流媒體中從社群網路到報章雜誌、電視上,以及在美食活動擔任評審、主持或來賓,協助品牌策略與市場結合。
Devon Liu and his team at Devon Dine have been showcasing brands with professionally crafted visuals to tell intriguing stories. Based in Canada with over 1000 campaigns, as well as appearances on TV, radio, newspaper and magazine, he has created a community of engaging followers and helped brands with PR and marketing strategies to connect them with their audiences.