Coffee Hour with TJCCC

秋意漸濃,在寒冷的芝加哥冬天來臨之際,想要出門走走,喝杯咖啡,順便結識新朋友嗎?我們TJCCC每月一度的Happy Hour將在本週末展開!我們準備了食物及飲料,還有能讓大家互動的小遊戲環節,希望大家能在這個城市裡面感受到家鄉的溫暖,趕緊手刀報名!一起加入我們吧~🍁🤩🥳

Date/Time⏰: 2022-10-22 (Saturday) 3pm-5pm

Location☕️: SweetWater Coffee & Tea

1457 N Halsted St. B105, Chicago, IL 60642


費用(含飲品及鹹&甜點心): $20青商會員價 | $25非青商會員價 | (請透過 Zelle 繳費以助名額確認)

隨活動加入會員立即享有會員價及會費折扣: $20(會員價)+ $35 (會費原價$40) = $55

停車: 商場有停車場唷

Fees (including food and drinks): $20 TJCCC members | $25 non-TJCCC members | (Please pay via Zelle as well as indicate your name for confirmation)

Be sure to take advantage of our amazing deal of $55 when signing up simultaneously as a member: $20 event fee (as membership rate)+ $35 TJCCC membership fee (original price at $40)

Deadline to sign-up: 2022-10-21, 11:59pm (CDT)

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