時間又到了開學的季節啦! 請加入我們一起歡迎各校的學生會幹部及同學們,大家周末來狂歡! 地點在芝加哥知名的玉米大樓首層10PIN保齡球館。除了可以盡興兩個小時的無上限循環保齡球打到手軟,以及享用美式派對Buffet吃到飽,還可以連結各方青年才俊,建立人脈! 由於場地位於熱門繁華地帶,所以訂位人數有限, 請盡早報名,先搶先贏~
時間: 2022-09-17 (Saturday) 7pm-9pm
Date/Time: 2022-09-17 (Saturday) 7pm-9pm
地點: 10PIN Bowling Lounge, 330 N State St, Chicago, IL 60654
停車:提供Discounted rate $18 valet parking
費用(含球道及餐點): $45青商會員價 | $55非青商會員價 | (請透過 Zelle 繳費以助名額確認)
隨活動加入會員立即享有會員價及會費折扣: $45 (會員價)+ $35 (會費原價 $40) = $80
RSVP名額有限,請儘速報名 https://forms.gle/WKrFHJWzhqEpD3Vs6
* 報名截止日期: 2022-09-14, 11:59pm (CDT)
*Deadline to sign-up: 2022-09-14, 11:59pm (CDT)
填完此表後,請QuickPay/Zelle至芝加哥青商會[email protected],以助名額確認。收到費用後,我們將會寄報名成功郵件給各位。
School is back in session! While classes are hopefully not busy yet, let’s take a break by meeting up to get to know the community from all the different schools here in Chicago with some fun games of bowling at “10Pin Bowling League”, nearby Marina City (better known as the parking lot shaped like “corn on the cobs”).
Aside from enjoying yourself for two hours of bowling and AYCE buffet, get a chance to mingle and network with others in the area. With the event being held on a Saturday evening, spots are limited, so be sure to sign up early!
Location: 10PIN Bowling Lounge, 330 N State St, Chicago, IL 60654
Parking:Discounted rate $18 valet parking is provided there
Fees (including bowling shoes and food): $45 TJCCC members | $55 non-TJCCC members | (Please pay via Zelle as well as indicate your name for confirmation)
Be sure to take advantage of our amazing deal of $80 when signing up simultaneously as a member: $45 event fee (as membership rate)+ $35 TJCCC membership fee (original price at $40)
After you fill out the registration form, we will send you an email to confirm your spot. RSVP link: https://forms.gle/WKrFHJWzhqEpD3Vs6
Member benefit <Plans/Events for the Academic Year>
* working visa and immigrant requirements
* entrepreneurial workshops
* weekend socials
* credit card point membership seminar
* tax filing seminar
* holiday get-togethers