Tax Panel
一年一度的報稅講座又到了,這次芝加哥青商會邀請到中國城的毛愈事務所的會計師 CPA cartner 百忙之中抽空為大家解答創業報稅以及個人稅務相關的主題,麻煩參加者均填寫報名表以方便後台統計人數,我們也會發出通知確認報名成功。謝謝! Here comes our annual tax panel!! This year, we are pleased to invite TAI, MARIA YU, C.P.A. to talk about topics of the entrepreneurial/individual tax filings. Please use the URL for RSVP. Time: 2023-02-11 (Saturday) 2:30pm-4:00pm Location: Classroom JTR 300, 2350 North Kenmore Ave, Chicago, IL…